API Reference#
Main functions#
The function to convert C_ell to D_ell (i.e. ell*(ell+1)*C_ell/(2*pi)). |
The function to convert D_ell to C_ell (i.e. C_ell = D_ell*(2*pi)/(ell*(ell+1))). |
This function estimates the bias on the tensor-to-scalar ratio due to pointing systematics This function based on the paper: https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article/2023/4/042F01/6835420, P88, Sec. |
This function generates the CMB map used in the map base simulation of litebird_sim. |
Generate the maps with the lock file |
This function generates color scheme which is often used Planck paper. |
This function generates DataFrame which is used for FGBuster as instrument from IMo. |
This function loads the fiducial CMB power spectrum used in the map base simulation of litebird_sim. |
Simulate the differential gain systematics for each channel The map-making is performed for each detector in the channel |
Simulate the differential pointing systematics for each channel The map-making is performed for each detector in the channel |
Simulate the noise for each channel |
Configuration class for the simulation. |
Class to store the field data of detectors |
Class to store the scan fields data of detectors |
Class to store the signal fields data of detectors |
Systematics class for the simulation |
Get the complex conjugate of the field |
Get the covariance matrix of the detector in mdim`x`mdim matrix form |
Generate observed noise map with the noise PDF. |
Generate probability density function (PDF) of the noise. |
Get the cross-link of the detector for a given spin number |
Initialize the scan fields data |
Get the output map by solving the linear equation Ax=b This operation gives us an equivalent result of the simple binning map-making aproach. |
Transform Top detector cross-link to Bottom detector cross-link It assume top and bottom detector make a orthogonal pair. |
Get the absolute pointing field of the detector |
Build the information to solve the linear system of map-making This method has to be called befure map_make() method. |
" Get the differential gain field of the detector |
Get the differential pointing field of the detector |
Multiply the scan fields and signal fields to get the detected fields by given cross-linking |
Get the field of the given spin number |
Get the HWP instrumental polarization field of the detector |